Balloons, Bigfoot & Brainstorming on Route 66

Meadow Gold Sign - Route 66 - Tulsa OK

Just wrapped up a wonderful road trip along, focused on Route 66 in Oklahoma.

We started out in the Tulsa area and had the obligatory coney or ten at Coney I-lander. Coneys in Tulsa are unique things you can’t get anywhere else. If you’re ever passing through, be sure to stop there. I grew up in Tulsa and coneys are one of the things I miss most. Since 1926, they haven’t changed “a single bite.”

The next stop was the inaugural Route 66 Balloon Festival in Arcadia, Oklahoma. Unfortunately, the excessive heat and winds dealt them a fairly poor turnout. But, we all had a great time, regardless. A highlight was hanging out with my sister and her man at the Chicken Shack after the evening glow. Assuming it happens again next year, I think the festival could take off and become a really cool annual event.

I’m not normally a fan of cover bands, but they had a great one there performing called Adam Aguilar and the Weekend All-Stars. Really tight band with a fun setlist.

Throughout the drive, I found some fun inspiration for a few upcoming stories. Ate way way way too much fried okra (The Brothers Houligan on Yale wins for best in the state this year) and, overall, had a blast.

Here are a few pictures I snapped along the way…. and, yay, Summer is over. Happy Fall!

Bring on the cooler weather!


Author: Jeff

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