Strange Highways: Volume One

Well, Happy Release Day!

My first release (as an author) happened early this morning. Actually, as I was going to bed last night, I saw it go live on Amazon. I was in a bit of shock, and pleasantly amused, to see it was at #2 in the One-Hour Travel Short Reads category. Who would have thought that would happen?

This morning, I log in to make sure everything is live and running smoothly and see that, for the moment, it is the #1 New Release in One-Hour Travel Short Reads!

I suspect that’s as high as this little book will go in the charts. But hey, I’ll take it. Thanks to all of those who pre-ordered. That’s how it entered at the high level on their charts. I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate that.

So, anyway, it’s out! If you would like to check it out, click here to access the Kindle and Print versions.

I finished up work with a narrator, Shawn Rigby, for the audiobook version a couple of weeks ago. Audiobooks have a whole different process. If you an audiobook fan, like I am, you’ll be glad to know it’s coming. I expect it to be live on Audible in about another week. I will post an update once that happens.

For now, go grab you a copy of the Kindle or Print version. As I understand it, Kindle will be running random promotions on it or the next 90 days. Not that it’s expensive in the first place. But, it’s always nice to save a buck, right?

Ok ok… It is Sunday of Labor Day weekend here in the US. Grab a beer, grill some burgers and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.


Author: Jeff

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